Hair Transplant News2024-04-11T15:21:48-04:00


Hair Transplant News

Why is my hair turning gray?

Hair color is primarily determined by the presence of pigment-producing cells called melanocytes. These cells produce melanin, the pigment responsible for the color of hair, skin, and eyes. As individuals age, various factors contribute to the gradual loss of pigmentation in hair, leading to the appearance of gray or [...]

March 6, 2024|

Does wearing hats make you go bald?

Wearing hats, in general, does not cause baldness. Hair loss is primarily influenced by genetic factors, hormonal changes, medical conditions, and other individual-specific factors. However, there are some misconceptions and concerns related to hats that are worth addressing: Tight Hats and Traction Alopecia: Wearing very tight hats on a regular [...]

March 4, 2024|

Are women good candidates for a hair transplant?

Hair transplants are generally less common in women compared to men, primarily because female pattern hair loss (FPHL) often presents differently, and the underlying causes can vary. However, some women may be good candidates for hair transplant surgery under certain conditions. Women who may be considered good candidates for [...]

February 26, 2024|

Do actors, athletes, and famous people get hair transplants?

Yes, actors, athletes, and other public figures, including famous people, have been known to undergo hair transplants. Hair loss is a common concern that can affect individuals from all walks of life, regardless of their fame or profession. The desire to maintain or restore a youthful appearance and enhance [...]

February 23, 2024|

What is The Difference From Old Hair Plug and The Newer FUE Hair Transplants?

Hair transplantation has evolved significantly over the years, and the differences between older hair plug procedures and newer Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) techniques are substantial. Here are the key distinctions: GRAFT SIZE Old Hair Plugs: In older procedures, hair plugs involved the transplantation of large, often unnatural-looking [...]

February 21, 2024|
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