Facial Hair Transplantation

Facial Hair Restoration

A full beard, trim goatee, carefully shaped moustache, or distinctive sideburns can all help define your personal style. Sometimes, though, facial hair can be scanty due to genetics, or lost to disease, surgical scarring, or aging.

The facial hair transplant specialists at Hair Restoration Centers can help.

Our surgeons use the same state-of-the-art techniques used to restore hair to the scalp, carefully harvesting hair from your scalp and transplanting individual follicular units of one or two hairs into minute incisions where more facial hair is desired.

Placing the hair grafts individually allows your HRC surgeon to match the direction and angle of the transplanted hair growth.

After healing, your transplanted facial hair will follow the same growth cycle it had on your scalp: your facial hair will grow longer and more quickly than surrounding facial hairs. Trimming may be necessary to keep your new facial hair in line with surrounding facial hairs.

Remember, too, that facial hair is often coarser than the hair that grows on your head, and this may mean your transplanted facial hair does not match its neighbors in texture or appearance. Still, facial hair is relatively short, so such differences may not be noticeable, even upon close inspection. Your results should appear and feel completely natural.

Eyebrow Restoration

Whether you raise them in surprise or draw them together in consternation, your eyebrows help express a wide range of emotions. Well-shaped eyebrows also provide an attractive complement to your eyes.

Unfortunately, a number of factors can contribute to thin, sparse, misshapen eyebrows. The aging process itself can cause hairs in the eyebrow to shed. Aggressive plucking, disease, and trauma can also result in eyebrows that are scanty or unattractive.

When your eyebrows become your “arch enemies,” eyebrow restoration, using the same proven techniques that restore natural hair growth to the scalp to complete a facial hair transplant, can provide a full, natural, permanent improvement to your eyebrows.

Facial Beard Hair Transplant - Male Before and After

The Procedure

Eyebrow restoration is as much an art as a science. The aesthetics of defining an arch that will naturally complement your underlying facial structure as well as your features, and provide the results you desire, requires both surgical and artistic expertise.

During your initial consultation, you and your Hair Replacement Centers surgeon will determine the arch, shape, and thickness of your improved eyebrows.

On the day of your procedure, your HRC surgeon will remove a very small strip of hair in an inconspicuous donor area on your scalp. Working together, surgeon and staff will dissect the strip into grafts of one or two hairs each. These “follicular units” are then placed into tiny incisions in the desired brow pattern. Care is taken during this follicular unit transplantation to place the hairs with precision so they grow in the correct direction and at the same angle as the surrounding hair.

The transplanted hairs will shed and grow back over the next few month as the hair grafts follow their natural growth cycle. Because the transplanted hairs come from your scalp, they will continue to grow just as hair on your scalp would. This means occasional trimming will be required to keep your eyebrows at the appropriate length.

Follicular unit transplantation in eyebrow restoration creates a truly natural look that is virtually undetectable and surprisingly affordable.