Women’s Hair Loss

Treating Female Hair Loss

The bald male is accepted, even celebrated, in today’s society. But a bald woman? Hardly. Never suffer this double

Ludwig Female Hair Loss Chart

standard again: help is now available at Hair Restoration Centers.

Hair Restoration Centers is seeing a dramatic increase in the number of women who are choosing surgical hair transplants as a permanent solution to hair loss. Recently the popular television show, “Dateline NBC” aired an investigative report on surgical hair replacement that concluded surgical hair transplants to be the only truly effective and permanent procedure for restoring hair loss.

The idea of getting a hair transplant has never occurred to most women. They often picture men who had transplants that resulted in a “plug-like” or “doll’s head” appearance. Things have changed: gone are the days when a hair transplant made a middle-aged scalp look like a field of newly-planted corn.

Modern transplant methods, using either FUT or FUE,  allow for more hairs in each skin graft to be placed between existing hairs, promoting greater hair density. At the same time, more precise instrumentation permits surgeons to work faster with less worry about tissue injury. This has turned hair transplants — one of the most tedious and labor-intensive of cosmetic surgery procedures — into minor day surgery.

These quicker, more effective procedures have made hair transplants a more attractive option for women. In the 1990s, women made up fewer than 5% of hair transplant patients. Today, women represent up to 30% of hair replacement clients.

The best candidates for hair transplants are those who have common female-pattern baldness, a genetic condition. Hair loss also can be caused by variety of other factors, including thyroid abnormalities, iron deficiencies, and autoimmune diseases. Childbirth can cause hair loss, as well. But the most common reason people lose their hair is heredity. And, contrary to common myth, the trait is not passed from your maternal grandfather. Nor does it skip a generation. The propensity is passed down from all your relatives. The more bald people in your family, the greater your chances of going bald.

Hair transplants may be actually simpler for women because they’re better able to hide them. A woman can easily wear a scarf, and because women’s hair is generally longer, it’s harder to see the incision. Plus, when new hair comes in, the effect on a woman’s scalp is more subtle. People notice your hair looks better but they’re not quite sure why.

For a free hair transplant surgery evaluation and further information about the surgical hair replacement services for women at the Hair Restoration Centers, please call now to schedule a consultation.

Ludwig Female Hair Loss Chart

The bald male is accepted, even celebrated, in today’s society. But a bald woman? Hardly. Never suffer this double standard again: help is now available at Hair Restoration Centers.

Hair Restoration Centers is seeing a dramatic increase in the number of women who are choosing surgical hair transplants as a permanent solution to hair loss. Recently the popular television show, “Dateline NBC” aired an investigative report on surgical hair replacement that concluded surgical hair transplants to be the only truly effective and permanent procedure for restoring hair loss.

The idea of getting a hair transplant has never occurred to most women. They often picture men who had transplants that resulted in a “plug-like” or “doll’s head” appearance. Things have changed: gone are the days when a hair transplant made a middle-aged scalp look like a field of newly-planted corn.

Modern transplant methods, using either FUT or FUE,  allow for more hairs in each skin graft to be placed between existing hairs, promoting greater hair density. At the same time, more precise instrumentation permits surgeons to work faster with less worry about tissue injury. This has turned hair transplants — one of the most tedious and labor-intensive of cosmetic surgery procedures — into minor day surgery.

These quicker, more effective procedures have made hair transplants a more attractive option for women. In the 1990s, women made up fewer than 5% of hair transplant patients. Today, women represent up to 30% of hair replacement clients.

The best candidates for hair transplants are those who have common female-pattern baldness, a genetic condition. Hair loss also can be caused by variety of other factors, including thyroid abnormalities, iron deficiencies, and autoimmune diseases. Childbirth can cause hair loss, as well. But the most common reason people lose their hair is heredity. And, contrary to common myth, the trait is not passed from your maternal grandfather. Nor does it skip a generation. The propensity is passed down from all your relatives. The more bald people in your family, the greater your chances of going bald.

Hair transplants may be actually simpler for women because they’re better able to hide them. A woman can easily wear a scarf, and because women’s hair is generally longer, it’s harder to see the incision. Plus, when new hair comes in, the effect on a woman’s scalp is more subtle. People notice your hair looks better but they’re not quite sure why.

For a free hair transplant surgery evaluation and further information about the surgical hair replacement services for women at the Hair Restoration Centers, please call now to schedule a consultation.