Some things are worth paying for. Discounts and cheap prices aren’t always a good thing. Never is this more true than in the context of hair restoration surgery. However, I am pleased to say we have a genuine offer for El Paso residents who are considering hair transplant surgery to remedy their baldness.

El Paso isn’t exactly awash with hair transplant clinics. Not only does this provide clients with less choice, it also discourages competitive pricing because, well, where else are you going to go? As a result, the cost of a hair transplant in El Paso has remained stubbornly high, at or around the $6.00 per graft mark.

All that is changing now, with the introduction of an amazing new offer from Hair Restoration Centers.

To be fair, $6.00 per graft is in line with the kind of rate you’d expect to pay in New York or California. However, we operate a world class clinic much closer to home in the city of Houston. Here is our offer:

  • Hair transplants for just $3.75 per graft
  • Board certified surgeon Dr Carlos J. Puig

So travel to Houston and have your procedure with our surgeon!

For more information please see our Houston page.