The 70’s and 80’s were synonymous with bad hair transplants. The techniques available back then were nowhere near as advanced as they are today, and regulation of the industry was sparse and ineffective. Things have changed significantly since then, and thankfully bad hair transplants are largely a thing of the past now.
That said, clients don’t always achieve optimal results even now. This is for a variety of reasons, but these are the primary causes:
- The patient received bad advice
- The patient had unrealistic expectations
- The physician was not sufficiently skilled or experienced
- The recipient site was not correctly protected following surgery
Aside from making recommendations as clear as possible, there is not much a physician can do to influence the fourth, however the first three causes are, generally speaking, within the control of the patient.
Here are the most important considerations that will enable you to steer clear of bad hair transplants, and achieve the result you are really hoping for:
- Go board certified – This is important. Board certified surgeons have to fulfil certain criteria, so you’re more likely to choose a surgeon who has earned his stripes. Look for surgeons affiliated with the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery (ABHRS) or the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgeons (ISHRS).
- Discuss your aspirations thoroughly with your consultant. At HRC we insist that all clients fully understand their procedure, and know what outcome they can realistically expect.
- Manage your expectations. New hair cannot be created. Instead, hair transplant surgery moves hair from one place to another. If you have very little donor hair, contact us to discuss the best course of action.
- Be careful when traveling overseas. Many people are tempted to travel to low wage economies for their procedure. Unfortunately you usually get none of the protections or guarantees you enjoy as an American citizen having a procedure in your home country.
Ultimately it comes down to due diligence. Make sure your physician has the experience required to deliver the kind of result you’re hoping for, and remember to keep your expectations realistic. Well-informed clients are usually the most satisfied clients.
If you have any questions or would like advice, please contact our team in confidence.